Winters coming so look after your Garage

There are some important winter proofing jobs that homeowners should be on top of if they want to prolong the life of their home without expensive incidents. This involves tasks such as clearing out guttering, putting away garden equipment and ensuring garages are protected. This helps to prevent it from suffering from moisture related issues during the winter months. Here are some steps to take to winterise your garage:

Clean – A good thing to do before getting started is to give the garage a thorough clean. You’ll want to sweep the floor of leaves, dirt, dust and debris and then wipe down the walls to get rid of dust and cobwebs that might have built up over the summer.

Weatherstripping – To ensure moisture doesn’t become an issue during the cold, damp weather, you might need to install fresh weatherstripping. This provides insulation, preventing warm air from escaping and keeps out moisture from rain, snow and ice. This is important if you don’t want a damp and dank atmosphere in your garage.

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When you are storing items in the garage, it is for protection so important items don’t get damaged. Any cracks in seals around windows and garage doors should be fixed. You might need to apply new weatherstripping and sealant to windows and around the garage door. For more information on Garage Door Repair, visit a site like

Insulation – Insulating the garage walls is also recommended as it will act as a barrier against the cold, keeping warmer air inside. This can benefit your house too, particularly if the garage sits adjacent to the main property wall.

Heating – Whilst insulation is great for keeping out draughts, it won’t do much for heating up the room space. If you want to use your garage during the winter months, you might want to think about putting some kind of heating appliance in there to make it livable. This should be safe, economical and a unit that won’t take up too much valuable floor space.

Garage Door Insulation – A great deal of heat can be lost through a garage door despite weatherstripping. There are many products available for insulating a garage door that include things like fibreglass, foam boards and reflective barriers, for example. The insulation will need to be cut accurately to fit each panel in the door and fixed using an adhesive. You can always opt for a newer model of garage with better in-built insulation features.

The main reasons to winterproof your garage include offering better protection for any pipework. Water pipes often run through the garage and if you want to prevent them freezing, keeping the garage warm is essential.

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A warmer garage is also a better place for your stored items, some of which might hold a lot of sentimental value to you. A warmer garage will lead to a warmer home, possibly reducing your energy bills. If you spend any time in the garage during winter, it will also be a much more pleasurable experience.

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