Outwards or upwards?

We all cherish our living areas, whether they’re spacious or cosy. The purpose of these spaces is varied, from relaxation to entertaining. If your family is outgrowing the space in your house or if storage space is limited, then you should consider these clever designs to make the most of the valuable space.

  • Can you repurpose a room? It’s possible that you have never used the room as a home office or additional bedroom before, but it could work. If extending your home is not an option, repurposing the space is. You could turn a small box room into a bigger closet, or a utility room that is unused into an additional toilet. See if you can use the space in a different way if the layout doesn’t work for you.

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  • You may have the perfect home, but the rooms might be too small. Consider knocking down the wall between a living room, dining room, and play room. It will also make your house look larger. Before you do anything, consult a structural expert.
  • Remodelling will help you maximise your space. Could the space under the stairs be used as an extra closet? Could the large hallway or landing be converted into an office or play area? You can create additional storage space without taking up valuable floor space by installing shelving.
  • A loft conversion could be the ideal investment. You could add a bedroom to your attic depending on its size. A loft conversion, with the right insulation and a professional design that is clever, can provide your home with much-needed extra space for storage. For Loft Conversions Exeter, go to https://www.silverferndevelopments.co.uk/exeter-builders/loft-conversions

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  • For families that are rapidly growing, repurposing and maximising the space in your home will not suffice. Extending your property may be a better option. The cheapest and easiest option is to extend outwards. You will lose some garden space, but it’s the easiest.

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