What is a Vacuum?

A Vacuum is where you have a “nothingness”. It is somewhere where no matter exists. One of the best examples of this is the space between planets and stars. When we leave the atmosphere of the Earth the spaceship or satellite enters into a field where there are no substances that can be recorded. However, we have discovered there is something present like atoms but nothing substantial.

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These are imperfect vacuum’s. In other words, you might find some trace elements of gases but not much else. Ancient Greek philosophers were unsure it existed at all and were keen debaters on the subject. It wasn’t until the Seventeenth Century that scientists began to seriously try and study the subject and produce papers on it.

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The practical uses of Vacuum are very much a part of our lives. In industry, the power of the vacuum to move items can be illustrated by Vacuum conveying like what you can get from www.aptech.uk.com/pneumatic-conveying-systems/vacuum-conveying/. Harnessing the power of the vacuum means that loose items like pills or grain can be moved around warehouses and storage facilities in vast quantities. Other practical uses are fluorescent light bulbs and Valves for electronic equipment in the home. As we further venture out into space, there is a much planned manned mission to Mars at some point in the next 80 years or so, the effects of a vacuum on human, animal and plant life is already being widely researched.

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