High School DxD is a Japanese comedy anime that has four seasons released. Each was highly applauded and appreciated by fans as they successfully adapted the light novels impressively written by Ichiei Ishibumi.
For the past 2-3 years, fans of this anime are curiously waiting for the fifth installment of this anime. And they are very hopeful that the creators will not disappoint them. And will definitely return with a new season of this animated show.
The curiosity and enthusiasm of all the fans are really at a very high peak, as the last season of High School DxD, ended on July 3, 2018, on a very high note leaving behind many doubts in the minds of the audience.
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Will High School DxD have a fifth season?
In a recent interview, the director of this anime hinted that right now they are discussing all the facts about this show with their team, and as soon as the script is finalized and other things, they will make the official announcement renewing this series; which is very likely to happen in the summer of 2021 or maybe a little earlier.
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Nothing is announced regarding the official release date for High School DxD. In the main characters and voice cast, these three will be seen again: Issei Hyodo voiced by Yuki Kaji in Japanese. Akeno Himejima voiced by Shizuka Ito, and Asia Argento voiced by Azumi Asakura.
Also, the creators of this romantic comedy series have not released any official trailer or teaser regarding the fifth season, but as soon as any trailer or teaser is released, La Verdad Noticias will share it with you with all the details.
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So, if you are a prudent fan of this anime and want to know each. And every one of the latest announcements. And updates about the fifth installment of High School DxD 5. It is best to have a little more patience and follow the program closely on networks social.