How to Make Chocolate Marquise? Easy and Quick Recipe

The chocolate marquise is a delicious dessert, but not only is it a recipe that delights all lovers of sweet, but it also is extremely simple to prepare, and you do not even need to have an oven to make it. Are you ready to enjoy a delicious and simple dessert? Here, we explain how to make chocolate marquise step by step. It takes a total of 45 minutes and the difficulty level is low.

Ingredients for chocolate marquise:

  • 300 grams of dark chocolate
  • Maria cookies (1 or 2 packages depending on the mold)
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 4 egg yolks
  • Half a cup of sugar
  • 2 teaspoons of butter
  • 2 teaspoons cornstarch

chocolate marquise

Steps to follow to make this chocolate marquise:


The chocolate marquise is simple to make, much more if it is made between two people. To start, beat the 4 egg yolks with a manual whisk until they are well homogeneous.


Melt the 300 grams of chocolate together with the two teaspoons of butter. You can do it in two ways: with the bain-marie or in the microwave, once melted reserve.


Add the liter of milk and half a cup of sugar in a saucepan and bring to medium-low heat, stirring frequently. When the mixture is warm, add the beaten egg yolks and the melted chocolate and continue stirring.


In a little milk, mix the two teaspoons of cornstarch until it is dissolved and without lumps, then add to the previous mixture and continue stirring frequently. You must remove it from heat when it has thickened. Your chocolate marquise is almost ready.


Choose the container in which you will make the chocolate marquise. It is usually presented in a glass container. Soak some Maria cookies in cold milk and get ready to layer the dessert. The first layer should be a chocolate mixture.


Then add a layer of Maria cookies covering the chocolate layer. Repeat the procedure until the container is full, but keep in mind that the top layer should always be chocolate. You can choose to decorate the last layer with ingredients like chocolate drizzle, sliced ​​almonds, or chocolates, or keep it simple.


Once ready, put it in the fridge for a couple of hours. When serving it, you simply have to cut the portions in the same container without unmolding it. Ready! Enjoy a delicious chocolate marquise that is very simple to make.

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