Snug piercing Tips and Care

The ear continues to be the preferred place for everyone when it comes to showing off our piercings, thanks to which there is an infinite variety of jewelry designed for this area of ​​the face, such as the snug piercing with its different measures and modern styles.  Do you know the Snug piercing? In the next post, we will show you what you need to know about one of the most original options to pierce your ear.

From the varied amount of ear-piercing, we find a design for daring people looking for alternatives other than traditional ones or who want to highlight the jewelry they already have in their ear. If you are one of those types of people. Snug piercing is the ideal option for you, do you want to know more? If so, later we will tell you everything about this ear piercing, how it is done. How painful it can be, how it is cared for, and much more. So get comfortable and enjoy what we have for you.

What is snug piercing?snug piercing

Before piercing any area of ​​the body, it is important to previously investigate to know the characteristics of the piercing that we want to put on. The ear-piercing is the most popular, making it one of the most diverse and stylish piercings. Snug piercing or snug piercing is a piercing made in the cartilage area. And is usually the perfect companion when it comes to highlighting the rest of the ear piercings.

This type of piercing usually consists of the placement of a curved metal rod in the inner cartilage of the ear. In the market, you can find a variety of snug piercings ranging from traditional curved bars to create heart designs that will make you look spectacular, and always remember to choose those made with materials such as surgical steel to prevent any type of reaction on your skin.

Its perforation process is usually simple but it is still one of the most painful. And requires the most care to prevent allergies and infections in the perforated area.

If you are one of the daring and among your options is to put the snug piercing, it is worth advising that you use the services of a professional drilling center that does a quality job and with the utmost care that all piercing needs.

Is snug piercing painful?snug piercing

We will not lie to you, all piercings are painful, in the case of the snug piercing. It is a type of piercing that is known for its intense pain. As it is a perforation that is made in the inner cartilage area, which is one of the most sensitive parts of our ear, its pain is extremely penetrating and sharp. Pain is an important part of snug piercing, but if you are one of the daring people. And you have already decided on snug piercing, we invite you to try it. Because you will certainly get a style that will be worth showing.

If pain is your main concern and you still want to show off the snug piercing in your ear. We recommend you go to a professional piercer. A skilled driller knows the right drilling method and has the tools to do quality work with as little pain as possible. You cannot trust your piercings to a stranger.

What is the snug piercing procedure like?

The snug piercing method is usually a simple procedure, but it must be performed by a professional since the cartilage area is a delicate area that can easily contract infections, not to mention that professionals know the process and have the tools indicated to ensure the hygiene conditions that your health deserves.

The first thing the piercer does is clean the inside of the ear to disinfect the piercing area, this step is done with antiseptic soap, the points where the earring will go are marked to ensure that it is the exact place where you want your piercing snug and then insert the needle to drill the points where the marks were made. The bleeding, which is usually small, is cleaned and the piercing is placed.

After placement of the snug piercing, the piercer will provide you with a series of recommendations for cleaning and hygiene of the pierced area. You must take into account all their advice because this area of ​​the ear is prone to contracting infections if it is not given the required hygiene.

The healing process of the piercing lasts between 3 and 9 months, in that time you must maintain a rigorous process of hygiene and cleanliness to avoid contracting infections or allergies, nor can you change the jewel without consulting your piercer beforehand.

Recommendations to do the piercing snug piercing

If the interest of wearing a snug piercing has been awakened in you. It will surely help you take into account the following recommendations and tips to make it a successful piercing process.

Investigate previously

Before you do a piercing you should investigate, in the case of the snug piercing. It is a type of painful piercing that takes some time to heal. So if you opted for the snug style you should take these aspects into account. So that you do not get a bitter surprise.

Use the services of a professional

Any drilling, like any surgical process, must be carried out by specialists who have drilling experience, an ideal space, the correct tools and provide the most optimal hygienic conditions to ensure your health and well-being. Snug piercing does not escape this reality, and if you decided on this piercing. You should hire the piercing services that comply with all aspects of hygiene for your best care.

Use quality materials

Your health and well-being are important, therefore, the material you choose for your snug piercing must be of the highest quality. Such as surgical steel that guarantees the highest biocompatibility with your skin and will help prevent allergies and infections.

Take care of the hygiene of your piercing

As we mentioned before, the piercing of the snug piercing can last up to 9 months. So you must take some extra care to keep the area free of infections. The internal cartilage of the ear due to its position is an area sensitive to infections. In order to achieve successful healing, you have to carry out a series of steps. Such as not changing the piercing without having finished healing. Avoiding sweating or accumulating sweat in the area perforated.

For cleaning, we recommend the use of swabs and saline. It is also recommended to use neutral soap and wash the area of ​​the perforation with plenty of water. The cleaning process should be performed twice a day to maintain hygiene that prevents all infections.

If yours is a daring style, the snug piercing is the best option for you. So get your style going, follow our tips and recommendations to highlight the most fabulous ear piercings.

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