Machu picchu 1 day tour plan

Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu are famous Inca archaeological sites located in Peru, along the splendid and unspoiled Urubamba valley, located at about 2,430 meters above sea level. An area that, every year, attracts thousands of tourists who, from all over the world come to these wonderful archaeological sites for a stay full of history, culture and a millenary tradition. Visiting Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu is possible in just 1 day. In this guide, we, therefore, want to offer you all the advice (logistical and otherwise) to visit Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu in just twenty -four hours. Let’s see how to proceed.

Machu picchu 1 day tour

Machu picchu 1 day tour

The Machu Picchu plus Huayna Picchu ticket is specially designed to allow the tourist to have enough time to visit? Machu? and the? Huayna? in just one day. In this regard it must be said that the entrance ticket to the two sites has 3 shifts that give the tourist the time necessary to fully enjoy the Wonder of the World. The first group enters Machu Picchu at 6 in the morning. The second enters the archaeological site an hour later. Finally, the third group enters at 8 in the morning. All timetables have been designed to allow tourists to have a maximum of 6 hours to visit Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu. If you want to visit the Huayna Picchu Temple of the Moon, the time at your disposal will be 7 hours.

Entering Machu Picchu

So let’s start with the visit to Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu tour can be done with the constant presence of a tour guide. To make a complete excursion, it takes an average of 2 hours. According to the latest provisions, it is now mandatory to enter the city of Inca with a guide. The guided tour will allow you to take a tour of the main tourist attractions of the place, such as the Temple of the Condor, the Temple of the Sun, the Main Temple, the Intihuatana and much more. As mentioned, to try to do everything within the day, the advice is to start your tour starting from the first round of visits, set early in the morning at 6.

Visit Huayna Picchu

Around 8 in the morning, you will therefore have completed the visit to Machu Picchu and can therefore begin the excursion to Huayna Picchu in complete tranquility. It is advisable to buy tickets for Huayna Picchu many months in advance, especially if you want to visit the site during the high season, which is from April to October. At the end of the visit, you could stay in the village of Aguas Calientes. If, on the other hand, you travel from Cusco on the same day, remember that you will not be able to arrive on time to guarantee you the tour in a single day.

To reach the entrance of Huayna Picchu, take a bus of the local lines (the ticket can also be bought on board) and do not venture on foot. The journey is very long and you may get excessively tired. So take only the clothes and objects that are strictly necessary: ​​a poncho against rain and wind, a hat, a bottle, practical clothes suitable for a trip. Finally, don’t forget a mosquito repellent and a rather large backpack. If you start the visit of Huayna Picchu at eight in the morning, after visiting Machu Picchu from 6 to 8, already at 14 in the afternoon you will have visited the entire archaeological area of ​​these magnificent Peruvian places so rich in greenery and millenary history.

To carry out the entire tour in the day, start your visit to Machu Picchu at 6 in the morning.

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