Four Common Electrical Problems that you Need an Electrician to Help With

Although there are plenty of jobs that are easy to do ourselves around the home, something that you do need to be careful with are electrics. When it comes to dealing with electrics, it is always best to get someone like this electrician Cheltenham based company who knows what they are doing to have a look for you. Here are four common electrical problems that you might notice in the home…

Damage to Wiring – If you notice wiring that is frayed, or leaves wires exposed, then this is a serious cause for concern and should only be dealt with by a qualified electrician. As well as being a fire risk, it also poses a risk of electrocution.

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Flickering Lights – Lights that are flickering are not only annoying, but they can also be dangerous. It is likely that the cause of this is an overloaded circuit, but if this is a problem you need to get a professional to come and have a look at it for you to track down the cause.

Burning Smell – The smell of burning is never good, but especially if it is coming from an electrical socket or device. Sometimes, a new electrical appliance can produce a burning smell when used for the first time, however, if this is not new then you need to get it checked out.

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Tripping Circuit Breaker – Every so often a circuit breaker might trip, but if this is something that is happening regularly, then there is likely to be a dangerous fault somewhere in the home. If you try to put the switch back and it won’t let you, this is also a sign that something is not right and you need to call an electrician out.

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