Why are colours important on your website

When you visit a Web design Dublin company such as https://www.rycomarketing.ie/ecommerce-web-design-dublin/ to discuss the creation of a business website they will take you through a number of steps to achieve this. It will include asking what you need the overall function of your website to be as well as the user experience and the branding elements that need to be displayed. This will of course include the brand colours and imagery that you use.

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Colours are very important when conveying messages and it is important that you think about how your colours will affect how users feel about your website, as well as any impact it may have on its usability. If you offer your products and services to an international audience you will also want to consider what colours mean in different cultures.

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A good web designer will be able to talk to you about complementary colours that you can use with your brand identity as well as colours that may be best to avoid. Colour palettes can be created and you can then use these in any other marketing materials that you create and in your social media post imagery.

If you don’t currently have any colours in mind the web designer will be able to talk you through the options and give you some advice on what might work best. Colours can evoke emotional connections with people so it is important that you think carefully about those colours that you use.

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