Giving up the City for a Rural Lifestyle

Living a rural life may seem idyllic but there are lots of things to consider if you are planning to pack up and leave the bright lights of the city for the countryside lifestyle.

There are plenty of people who do take to rural life really well, however there are things that you should think about and be aware of if you have been living in an urban area for a long time.

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What will you do for a Living?

When you are moving to somewhere more rural, especially if you are moving a long way away, then this might also include a change of lifestyle or career. Many people opt to do something outdoors or work on a farm for example, after years of city life. Be aware of the things that need to be done to enable this, from learning about the new role, to things you will need like womens overalls to keep protected when doing muddy work!

How Close are you to Facilities?

Something that can also come as a shock to the system is being far away from facilities when you are in the country. Shopping can not only take longer due to travel time, but needs to be planned, and other facilities are not as readily available when you live more remotely.

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Do you Have Family to Consider?

If you have children, think about things like local schools and facilities for them. If you are moving away from family members, this could also be an adjustment as it can be hard and some people feel isolated.

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