Helping your teenager stay safe online

The online world is a one and it is incredibly important that teenagers understand what happens to their information when they use their phones that you can get from a Vodafone Store Near Me such as King Communication and visit websites and social media platforms, or when they use their home computer to do the same.

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When we visit anything on the internet or use any cloud-based apps we are leaving behind a trail of breadcrumbs, known as a digital footprint. This footprint can be useful o businesses who are looking to understand their audience, but it can also be used to find out information about people that they may not be aware of. Examples of this can be people figuring out what school a teenager goes to based on a photo they have shared with them dressed in their uniform.

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Cyberbullying is also a big issue for teenagers. It is important that you have clear boundaries in place to be able to help your child. This might mean that younger teenagers are not allowed to have their phones in their bedrooms at night or you have the login details to their phone and you check on how they are using their device. There are also apps that you can use to monitor your teenager’s mobile phone usage as well as being able to track their location to help them feel safe if they are out on their own.

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