How to freeze ginger

How to preserve ginger. The use of ginger is becoming more and more common in our kitchens, in fact in my refrigerator a piece of ginger is never missing, since given its versatility it is suitable for almost any type of stew, sauce or soup, you just have to learn how to use it correctly. The problem comes when it comes to preserving it since the pieces of ginger root that we can buy are usually quite large and the quantities used are tiny.

This can be a problem if we do not know the product, but if we have worked with it at least, there is nothing to fear, because preserving ginger is very simple and can be done in several ways, all of them very fast and without any secrets. Anyway, before entering the matter, it should be noted that ginger tea is delicious and has multiple health benefits. With which any piece that we can use to make an infusion.

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How to preserve ginger

In the fridge

Once we cut the piece of ginger that we are going to use, we must cover it with plastic wrap. The next time we are going to consume a piece of ginger root, we only have to discard the first piece if it is dry. Ginger can be stored in the fridge for at least a couple of months, just keep in mind that before consuming it, we must discard the first piece.

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In the freezer

In this way, we will always have fresh ginger. To freeze it, you just have to cut it into rings and remove the brown part of the root. Then we will put it in a freezer bag. We must make sure that the ginger pieces do not touch each other, in this way they will be separated and we can defrost pieces individually.


Garlic ginger paste

Personally, if I think about how to preserve ginger, the first thing that comes to mind is to make a ginger and garlic paste. This paste is often used in many Indian food recipes and is perfect for preserving ginger in perfect condition.

Best of all, this pasta can be perfectly preserved in the freezer as cubes or ready to use in a jar. Preparing it is very simple, we just have to put garlic and ginger in the same proportion and crush them. To this, we will add a little oil. To use it we just have to add it to our sauces, stir-fries, soups, etc … Now you know how to preserve ginger.

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