When is a flat roof not a flat a roof

The term flat roof is a common phrase in building circles and the wider world. It’s not an uncommon design in countries where there is little rainfall and being able to access the roof to cool off in the evening is a bonus. In the UK our climate is very different, so the slant or pyramid roof is by far the norm. However, with some decent Roof sealant from CT1 you can have whatever roof shape you want.

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There are no truly flat roofs. All of them have a slight incline to one specially selected corner. This is more noticeable in certain structures but for the most part, when you are on the flat roof you’ll barely notice it. One example is the multi-storey car park. To maximise space the open-air roof is used as another level for cars. The rain and leaves that can collect here are a hazard and a truly flat roof would soon be clogged with debris.

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The incline or slightly raised centre allows the rainwater to wash away debris so that they collect in a corner to be removed and for clearance at a later date. This still requires more maintenance than a slanted, trianglular roof. Regular checks and sealant should be applied throughout the life of the roof’s use.

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