The reliance of the country on Vans

Our road system is the lifeblood of the country. It allows the flow of goods and services vital to the economy and the well-being of us all. This was put into even sharper focus during the last two years with the COVID 19 pandemic. Without the delivery drivers getting masks and PPE equipment to businesses and delivering food and items to us, we would have struggled to cope with the various lockdowns and restrictions that plagued the era.

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Whilst we all settled down to Netflix, some much-needed family time and decorating our homes, the van drivers of the country were suddenly thrown into the role of the 5th emergency service. As we couldn’t get to the shops, the need for the goods we ordered online had to be brought to us. This was where the van drivers stepped up. They, like the retail and refuse workers, are the unsung heroes of the period, working through the period and risking themselves and their families to provide goods for us.

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Working late into the night, the need to be able to identify a van is very important. That’s where Chapter 8 Chevrons come in. They can provide a set of high visibility chevrons on the sides so that drivers can feel assured that they are seen and visible to pedestrians, cyclists and other road users alike. Look at for some of the best ones out there.

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